Importance of Domestic Worker Background Verification


Families are a precious gift from God and their safety is undoubted of paramount importance. Domestic Workers spend a significant amount of time inside the house. But it hurts to know the hidden dishonest facets of the helpers, who are ultimately counted as your family members.


With high rates of unemployment, there is mass migration to cities in search of jobs, there are many bad elements along with the good ones that come to the cities for opportunities. Crimes are on the rise and we can contribute to the reduction process by avoiding unreliable domestic workers.


What is a Background Check?


It is a comprehensive Identity Verification along with family background, financial records, criminal records, past workings & many more, to avoid criminal activities alike Murder, Kidnapping, sexual exploitation & assaults, home invasions, Identity theft, burglary, robbery, etc. Knowing staff to ensure their suitability before hiring them to take care of a home.


Whom you hire as a household worker is not a decision to be taken carelessly. Trusting a stranger to take care of your family or have complete access to your home is a big decision that requires careful examination & due diligence. You can eradicate some of this unpredictability and hereby avoid adversities by running an Online Worker Verification on a potential domestic helper before.


An abrupt growth in offenses involving domestic workers. Therefore, Domestic worker Verification becomes a necessity. Verification of anticipated workers like servants, maids, nannies, gardeners, and guards is essential for reducing the risk of a bad hire that could affect one's family adversely as these people work in close accessibility to the family.


DEWII undertakes Online Worker Verification through contiguous monitoring, Identity verification, criminal record checks, and Police registration using sophisticated technologies to check the authenticity.


ID Verification:

It includes the inspection of the information of the users or customers that are associated with the identity of a real person. The service helps in verifying the legality of physical identity documents and nationally issued identity documents through documentary Identity verification process.


Criminal Record Check:

A criminal record check will determine if you have been charged or convicted of a crime, to make sure that individuals cannot dodge their criminal past.


Police Registration:

Getting the legal documents affixed with the police in the nearest police stations, to maintain the security of the family.

Information needed for background verification varies based on employment (working type), nature of duty and responsibility handled (intensity of the closeness with the family), etc.  A more intense and accurate inspection can be interviewing a candidate's friends, ex-colleagues, neighbors, and family members.


Benefits to a background check:


           Reveals the historical background (family & past workings)

           Maids and Servants be mentally unwell,

           Existence of Communicable diseases,

           Provides information for any sort of addictions!

           Felicitate Character & Behavioral findings,



Consequences of not having worker verification:


Don't Compromise on the grounds of safety. It is humane to get emotionally connected with your workers, however not examining their background while hiring may put your loved one's life at risk. 


           Mishandling in your absence,

           Disrespectful behavior,

           Absurd conduct in your absence,

           Money driven sexual harassments alike false accuse you,

           Robbery & murder.


Guide to Domestic Worker verification:


           Acquire Police Registration facilities from the local police station nearby.

           Verify the current and permanent address and the ID proofs of your domestic help and retain a photocopy for your records along with the signatures of the helper.

           Raise for previous employer references irrespective of domestic help coming through word-of-mouth referral or domestic help agencies. Call the previous employers and introspect the essentials.

           keep a current photograph of the domestic worker.


It's generally preferred to seek house helps from a dignified & verified organization that provides worker verification services. But in the absence & presence as well it is of vital importance to go for verifications through legit firms or by seeking the identifications (valid in the eye of government) & getting it affixed in the nearby Police Station.


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